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4634 houses made since 1995

11. Special questions

What is the U-value of a log wall? A prefabricated wall?

The U-value, or thermal transmittance, is the rate of heat transfer through the structure. The rate will vary depending on the building structure, material, thickness of wood and insulation. The better the insulation of the building is, the lowest the thermal transmittance will be. The U-value thus indicates if a building is efficient when retaining … Continued

Does the house meet ENEV requirements?

Palmatin houses meet the requirements of quality, environment and efficiency. The houses can be classified in the latest generations of buildings in terms of innovation, building consumption and nature protection. However, some countries and localities may have specific requirements. If you want to know if the house can meet them, you can visit our webpage … Continued

Does the houses comply with the French RT2012 insulation standard?

In Europe, buildings represent approximately 40% of the total energy consumption and 36% of the CO2 emissions and are therefore the single largest energy consumer in Europe, ahead of industrial sectors. A house is considered as passive when its energy demand is lower than 15 kWh/ m²/ year and its total energy consumption (including cooling, … Continued

How long does it take from the date of the order to delivery?

The period between the start of a house project and the delivery on the construction site is specific to each project as many elements can influence the duration, such as the house changes and validation of details, the rapidity of exchanges between Palmatin teams and the clients, the size of the project, etc.. In average, … Continued