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4634 houses made since 1995


How can Palmatin offer high quality at competitive prices?

We control the manufacturing pipeline from end to finish by doing everything ourselves. Costs stay down because there are no sales middle-men. It also means manufacturing quality can be fully monitored and therefore guaranteed at all stages of the manufacturing process.

How much does a log house cost?

One square meter (1m2 = 10,7 sq. feet) of floor space costs between 500 – 1200 EUR. The price is influenced by the type of logs and other materials used, the location of the building etc.

How energy efficient is a log home?

Wood is the best insulation material nature has to offer. It does not mean that you will have most energy-efficient house just by increasing the thickness of the walls. Like with every other type of house you have to consider the insulation norms for floors, ceilings and roof, use the right kind of doors and … Continued