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TUT students visiting Palmatin

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On the 12th of April we had a great group of students from Tallinn University of Technology visiting our factory at Tabasalu in context with their class “Case Studies in Business, Technologies and Industries”.

This year the aim of the class was to visit various enterprises from the eight strategic sectors identified by Estonian Government as the core sectors for “smart specialization” growth.

The class is taught within very specific and cross-disciplinary Master’s programme in Technology Governance which consists of courses on development economics, innovation systems and policies as well as public administration and which are the core research areas at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance (former Department of Public Administation at TUT).

The group consisted of both Estonian and abroad graduate students from various curriculums: Design and Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Public Administration and Technology Governance students.

The students were interested to learn about the company, how it operates and cooperates with the partners, both local and from abroad, and how it invests in further development.

We have worked with TUT before when we co-operated to create a special computer programme for calculating the cost of log houses in the early stages of price enquiry.

We would like to thank the class for their enthusiastic participation and we look forward to another visit next spring!

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